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New Scout Building at Ben Rhydding Constructed Using SIPS

Published 16th April 2014||

Photo: New Scout Building at Ben Rhydding Constructed Using SIPS

From Leaky Shack to Community Hub: Rebuilding Ben Rhydding Scout and Guide Group HQ

Ben Rhydding Scout and Guide Group had a problem. Their 40-year-old headquarters building was showing its age, with structural problems, a leaky roof and inadequate kitchen and toilet facilities. The headquarters is used by 280 children and young people each week, so the group was in dire need of a new scout building in order to continue serving the local community.

Chairman Colin Williams wrote to parents and supporters and applied to several charitable organisations for funding. The group hoped to rebuild the headquarters so that not only would it serve scouts and guides, but also the community as a whole. They hoped that the new scout building would accommodate a whole range of activities, from exercise classes to adult education, art and craft activities and more.

The group was delighted to receive generous donations from a number of charitable bodies as well as several parents and supporters. On March of this year, they announced that construction of the new scout building was to get underway, beginning with the demolition of the existing headquarters.

Construction of The New Scout Building Gets Underway

The group needed a solution with a rapid build time so that they would be able to start using the new scout building as soon as possible. They wanted their new headquarters to be larger and more durable, with leaks and inoperable facilities concerns of the past.

With their speedy build time, low maintenance costs and solid construction, SIPs (structural insulated panels) would fit the bill perfectly. Since the building would not require roof trusses, the extra space upstairs could be used to house additional activities.

Photo: New Scout Building at Ben Rhydding Constructed Using SIPS

Working with Ellison Construction, SIPS@Clays got to work.

Floors were only installed in certain parts of the building, with the rest left open to the eaves in order to create large, open spaces. Today the roof panels are being assembled into large sections on the ground, ready to be lifted into position via crane when this arrives next week.

Photo: New Scout Building at Ben Rhydding Constructed Using SIPS

We are working to our planned timescale of four weeks, so we hope to have the SIPS part of the new scout building finished by the end of next week. Watch this space for updates…