How a Couple Replaced Their Old Bungalow with a Four Bedroom SIPs Home
Having lived in an old, drafty bungalow for several years, Mr and Mrs Needham of Chesterfield agreed that it was time for something more modern. They wanted to stay in the same neighbourhood, so rather than moving elsewhere they decided to have their bungalow demolished and replaced. Clays had previously built a SIPs home for their son Philip in the North East, and the Needhams decided that modern building techniques such as this would be ideal for their more cost effective, environmentally sustainable new home.
They had also heard how using SIPs would eliminate the need for roof trusses, enabling them to use this space for two large bedrooms instead.
Constructing the SIPs Home
Once the concrete strip foundations were laid we got to work, using the Kingspan TEK building system to construct the walls and ceilings.
The site was tight for space, especially once the scaffold (which had to accommodate large roof overhangs) had gone up. In spite of this and the adverse weather conditions faced by our two-man team, the SIPs home was up within the space of just one month – far quicker than a conventional build.

Other Modern Building Techniques
Besides SIPs, the contractors on the project used a number of additional modern building techniques and materials to ensure that the end result would be as attractive, durable, eco friendly and cost effective as possible.
The roof was constructed using Marley Ashmore interlocking double plain tiles, which are responsibly sourced and quick to lay, and can achieve an A+ rating in the BRE Green Guide to Specification. The outer walls were lined with facing brick to help the building fit in with others in the neighbourhood. They also used UPVC gutters and downpipes, for a flexible and durable solution at excellent value for money.
Thanks to these modern building techniques, the Needhams now have a much larger, more modern and environmentally friendly home with greatly reduced utility bills. It took less time to build than a conventional house, and is also more durable, saving on maintenance and repairs in the long term.
Would you like to reap the benefits and savings that a SIPs home has to offer? Call SIPS@Clays on 01756 799498 for more information.